Tina Huston and CLF Hollywood Oakie competing in the Spanish
Boarding, breeding, clinics, lessons, training
Welcome! My name is Tina Huston, owner of Black Kettle Ranch. I'm a professional
trainer and riding instructor, specializing in Western Dressage. When
I'm not teaching and riding, I do fine art and am an accepted BA degree
candidate enrolled in Harvard University's Extension School.

I work with people of all ages to improve their riding skills and communication
with horses. I bring over 35 years of experience to each schooling session.
This experience includes working with many horses throughout the years,
working with some of the best trainers in the horse industry, and successful
show ring competion.

I'm a strong believer in versatility and teach natural horsemanship and
classical dressage foundation as the basis for versatility. It doesn't
matter whether you ride in western or english tack, the balance of both
horse is rider as taught by the classical dressage masters is key to successful

As a fine artist, I bring my love of animals and nature to the canvas.
You're welcome to visit the Fine Art page to see my latest work.

Please visit the other links on this site to learn more about how you
can achieve higher levels in the art of horsemanship. You're welcome to
contact me at 720-261-6965 or tina@tinahuston.com with any questions you
might have about my program.

Come Learn To Speak Horse,


Tina Huston, Horse trainer/Riding instructor/Clinician
Teaching Philosophy:
Safety is first and foremost.
As with any undertaking, having the patience and discipline to master
basics is the key to success.
Strive for quality, not quantity. The quantity will come later.
Teach at the level that the horse and rider are ready for, no more and
no less.
Help the rider to notice the little things about the horse that creates
a meaningful bond.
Leadership and confidence comes with time, patience, and persistence.
Always end on a good note.