Black Kettle Ranch, Parker Colorado
Boarding, breeding, clinics, lessons, training
Horse and rider
Horse boarding, AQHA breeding, Horse and rider clinics, Lessons, and Training in Douglas County Colorado
Black Kettle Ranch, Horsemanship Lessons for Kids in Parker, CO

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Riding lessons Douglas County Colorado
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Howdy horse fans! Are you a horse nut? Just how much do you like horses? Take this test to determine just how bad you've got it for horses:
  • Do you have 2 or more posters of horses on your bedroom wall?
  • Do you have plastic Breyer horses on the shelves in your room?
  • Do you watch old TV shows like Bonanza just for the horses?
  • Would you rather watch "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimmaron" than "Pokemon" anyday of the week?
  • Would you be willing to move a pile of manure as big as a house one pitch fork full at a time in hopes to find the pony that made the pile?
  • Do you catch yourself daydreaming about horses when you're really suppose to be doing homework? Does 2+2="I wish I had a horse" sound familiar?

If you answered "yes" to three or more questions, then you may have the incurable syndrom called Horseidis (Pronounced horse-eye-dis). Horseidis is not like getting Chicken Pox. Chicken Pox go away. Horseidis never goes away. However, Horseidis is not a disease, like some people think.

Nobody seems to know how people get Horseidis. It was once thought that people got it by being bitten by a horse fly. Recent research has shown that many very smart people have gotten Horseidis. In fact, it's been noted that Horseidis strikes people who are highly creative, compassionate, are good communicators and problem solvers, and that it starts at a very early age.

Remind your parents that it was Shakespeare who wrote, "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"

Well, if you think you have horseidis, you could very well enjoy visiting this page:

The Beauty of Horses


Horse gathering


Do unto horses as you would have them do unto you..

Celtic swirl

Horse Jokes:

Q: What disease do horses fear most?

A: Hayfever!

Celtic symbol

Q: When do vampires like horse racing?

A: When it's neck and neck.

Celtic knot

Q: What do you call horses whos stall are next to each other?

A: NEIGH-bors.

Celtic flower

Q: What is a horse's favorite fruit:

A: Canter-lope.

Celtic star

Q: Why did the horse eat with his mouth open?

A: He had bad stable manners.

Celtic swirl

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Horse boarding, AQHA breeding, Horse and rider clinics, Lessons, and Training in Parker Colorado

© 2015 Black Kettle Ranch

Office: 303-274-0224
Cell: 720-261-6965
Click here to e-mail Black Kettle Ranch